Monday, September 20, 2010

Where is the shadow inventory?

We've been saying this for some time now - in our area, there is little inventory to speak of. Add to that the fact that we started the downturn at least a year and a half before much of the rest of the country, and it takes the wind out of the 'shadow inventory' case made by many who incorrectly associate it with northern Palm Beach County...

WASHINGTON – Sept. 20, 2010 – For the last year, the real estate industry has been talking about shadow inventory and the coming flood of distressed properties. Where are they?

Here’s what’s happening, according to a recent paper by Alan Mallach, a senior fellow the Brookings Institution:

• Some delinquencies have been resolved through loan modifications or people working out the problems on their own.

• Banks are getting better at managing short sales.

• Investors are aggressively buying up properties, sometimes in bulk, directly from the banks or at courthouse auctions so they don’t hit the market.

The likeliest outcome, Mallach predicts, is a steady flow of foreclosures over a long timeframe that will prevent another crash in home prices – but it will probably lead to low or no appreciation in home prices for a while.

Source: The Wall Street Journal, Nick Timiaros (09/16/2010)

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