Friday, August 7, 2009

Six rules every real estate investor should know cold

Ken Rosen has been investing in Florida real estate for 40 years - in this piece he outlines the six rules he has for every investment. Print them, and pull them out every time you make a real estate investment decision...

Real estate investor shares six great ideas
After decades in South Florida real estate, Coral Gables investor Kenneth D. Rosen put his principles into a book to help buyers in good times and bad.

Kenneth D. Rosen has been a real-estate investor in greater Miami for 40 years. All the while he employed a formula for buying property, but he did it intuitively. Not until he was asked to give a talk before a Realtor board several years ago did he actually write down his investment principles.
In the past year, he expanded on those notes by putting into book form what he calls his ``Big Six'' investing guidelines. His book Investing in Income Propertieshas even caught the attention of an Egyptian publisher and is being translated into Arabic.

Keep reading ->

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