Friday, August 7, 2009

Using the internet to your advantage

While it's no surprise that most people have learned to use the web to start or complement their real estate searches, the information they're arming themselves with is:

Homebuyers gain an edge with Internet searches

By JIM WASSERMAN McClatchy Newspapers

Published: Thursday, Aug. 6, 2009 - 5:09 am
SACRAMENTO, Calif. -- In the colorful, centuries-long history of house hunting, when have so many buyers come to the table knowing so much about prices, neighborhoods and school test scores?
Probably never. Credit an average 16 weeks spent browsing the Internet before buyers contact a real estate agent to get serious. Fifteen years into the World Wide Web, home searches once defined by riding around in agents' sport-utility vehicles - a process in which agents knew all and a buyer knew little - have been thoroughly recast.


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